Source code for pobm.obm.general

import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy.stats import kurtosis, skew, median_abs_deviation

from pobm._ErrorHandler import _check_shape_, _check_window_delta_, WrongParameter
from pobm._ResultsClasses import OverallGeneralMeasuresResult

[docs]class OverallGeneralMeasures: """ Class that calculates overall general features from SpO2 time series. """ def __init__(self, ZC_Baseline: float = None, percentile: int = 1, M_Threshold: int = 2, DI_Window: int = 12): """ :param ZC_Baseline: Baseline for calculating number of zero-crossing points. :type ZC_Baseline: int, optional :param percentile: Percentile to perform. For example, for percentile 1, the argument should be 1 :type percentile: int, optional :param M_Threshold: Percentage of the signal M_Threshold % below median oxygen saturation. Typically use 1,2 or 5 :type M_Threshold: int, optional :param DI_Window: Length of window to calculate the Delta Index. :type DI_Window: int, optional """ if DI_Window <= 0: raise WrongParameter("DI_Window should be strictly positive") self.ZC_Baseline = ZC_Baseline self.percentile = percentile self.M_Threshold = M_Threshold self.DI_Window = DI_Window
[docs] def compute(self, signal) -> OverallGeneralMeasuresResult: """ Computes all the biomarkers of this category. :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: OveralGeneralMeasuresResult class containing the following features: * AV: Average of the signal. * MED: Median of the signal. * Min: Minimum value of the signal. * SD: Std of the signal. * RG: SpO2 range (difference between the max and min value). * P: percentile. * M: Percentage of the signal x% below median oxygen saturation. * ZC: Number of zero-crossing points. * DI: Delta Index. * K: Kurtosis. * SK: Skew. * MAD: Mean absolute deviation. Example: .. code-block:: python from pobm.obm.general import OverallGeneralMeasures # Initialize the class with the desired parameters statistics_class = OverallGeneralMeasures(ZC_Baseline=90, percentile=1, M_Threshold=2, DI_Window=12) # Compute the biomarkers results_statistics = statistics_class.compute(spo2_signal) """ _check_shape_(signal) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) if self.ZC_Baseline is None: self.ZC_Baseline = np.nanmean(signal) return OverallGeneralMeasuresResult(np.nanmean(signal), np.nanmedian(signal), np.nanmin(signal), np.nanstd(signal), self.__compute_range(signal), self.__apply_percentile(signal), self.__below_median(signal), self.__num_zc(signal), self.__delta_index(signal), kurtosis(signal), float(skew(signal, axis=None)), median_abs_deviation(signal))
def __apply_percentile(self, signal): """ Apply percentile to the SpO2 signal :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: the percentile """ return np.nanpercentile(signal, self.percentile) def __below_median(self, signal): """ Compute the below median biomarker from the SpO2 signal :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: the BM biomarker """ baseline = np.nanmedian(signal) - self.M_Threshold with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): return 100 * (np.nansum(signal < baseline) / len(signal)) def __compute_range(self, signal): """ Compute the range biomarker from the SpO2 signal :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: the R biomarker """ return np.nanmax(signal) - np.nanmin(signal) def __num_zc(self, signal): """ Compute the numZC biomarker from the SpO2 signal :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: the ZC biomarker """ numZC_count = 0 baseline = self.ZC_Baseline for idx_signal in range(2, len(signal) - 1): if signal[idx_signal] == baseline: if (signal[idx_signal - 1] <= baseline) & (signal[idx_signal + 1] >= baseline): numZC_count += 1 if (signal[idx_signal - 1] >= baseline) & (signal[idx_signal + 1] <= baseline): numZC_count += 1 if (signal[idx_signal - 1] < baseline) & (signal[idx_signal] > baseline): numZC_count += 1 if (signal[idx_signal - 1] > baseline) & (signal[idx_signal] < baseline): numZC_count += 1 return numZC_count def __delta_index(self, signal): """ Compute the delta index biomarker from the SpO2 signal according to [7]_ :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: the DI biomarker .. [7] Pepin, J. L., Levy, P., Lepaulle, B., Brambilla, C. & Guilleminault, C. Does oximetry contribute to the detection of apneic events? Mathematical processing of the SaO2 signal. Chest 99, 1151–1157 (1991). """ _check_window_delta_(len(signal), self.DI_Window) signal_splitted = [signal[i:i + self.DI_Window] for i in range(0, len(signal), self.DI_Window)] if len(signal_splitted[-1]) != self.DI_Window: signal_splitted.pop() with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) mean_window = np.nanmean(signal_splitted, axis=1) diff = abs(mean_window - np.roll(mean_window, 1)) return np.nanmean(diff[1:])