Source code for pobm.obm.burden

import numpy as np
import warnings

from pobm.obm.desat import desat_embedding
from pobm._ErrorHandler import _check_shape_, WrongParameter
from pobm._ResultsClasses import HypoxicBurdenMeasuresResults

[docs]class HypoxicBurdenMeasures: """ Class that calculates hypoxic burden features from SpO2 time series. """ def __init__(self, begin: np.array, end: np.array, CT_Threshold: float = 90, CA_Baseline: float = None): """ :param begin: Numpy array of indices of beginning of each desaturation event. :type begin: Numpy array :param end: Numpy array of indices of end of each desaturation event. begin and end should have the same length. :type end: Numpy array :param CT_Threshold: Percentage of the time spent below the “CT_Threshold” % oxygen saturation level. :type CT_Threshold: float, optional :param CA_Baseline: Baseline to compute the CA feature. Default value is mean of the signal. :type CA_Baseline: float, optional """ if isinstance(begin, int): begin = np.array([begin]) if isinstance(end, int): end = np.array([end]) if len(begin) != len(end): raise WrongParameter("The parameters begin and end should have the same length") self.begin = begin self.end = end self.CT_Threshold = CT_Threshold self.CA_Baseline = CA_Baseline
[docs] def compute(self, signal): """ Computes all the biomarkers of this category. :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: HypoxicBurdenMeasuresResults class containing the following features: - CA: Integral SpO2 below the xx SpO2 level normalized by the total recording time - CT: Percentage of the time spent below the xx% oxygen saturation level - POD: Percentage of oxygen desaturation events - AODmax: The area under the oxygen desaturation event curve, using the maximum SpO2 value as baseline and normalized by the total recording time - AOD100: Cumulative area of desaturations under the 100% SpO2 level as baseline and normalized by the total recording time Example: .. code-block:: python from pobm.obm.burden import HypoxicBurdenMeasures # Initialize the class with the desired parameters hypoxic_class = HypoxicBurdenMeasures(results_desat.begin, results_desat.end, CT_Threshold=90, CA_Baseline=90) # Compute the biomarkers results_hypoxic = hypoxic_class.compute(spo2_signal) """ _check_shape_(signal) warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=RuntimeWarning) return self.__comp_hypoxic(signal)
def __comp_hypoxic(self, signal): """ Helper function, to calculate the hypoxic burden biomarkers from the desaturations :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :param desaturations_signal: dict with 2 keys: - begin: indices of begininning of each desaturation - end: indices of end of each desaturation :return: HypoxicBurdenMeasuresResults class containing the following features: * CA: Integral SpO2 below the xx SpO2 level normalized by the total recording time * CT: Percentage of the time spent below the xx% oxygen saturation level * POD: Percentage of oxygen desaturation events * AODmax: The area under the oxygen desaturation event curve, using the maximum SpO2 value as baseline and normalized by the total recording time * AOD100: Cumulative area of desaturations under the 100% SpO2 level as baseline and normalized by the total recording time """ desaturations, desaturation_valid, desaturation_length_all, desaturation_int_100_all, \ desaturation_int_max_all, _, _, _, _, _ = desat_embedding(self.begin, self.end, self.end) time_spo2_array = np.array(range(len(signal))) for (i, desaturation) in enumerate(desaturations): desaturation_idx = (time_spo2_array >= desaturation['Start']) & (time_spo2_array <= desaturation['End']) if np.sum(desaturation_idx) == 0: continue signal = np.array(signal) desaturation_spo2 = signal[desaturation_idx] desaturation_max = np.nanmax(desaturation_spo2) desaturation_valid[i] = True desaturation_length_all[i] = desaturation['Duration'] desaturation_int_100_all[i] = np.nansum(100 - desaturation_spo2) desaturation_int_max_all[i] = np.nansum(desaturation_max - desaturation_spo2) desaturation_features = HypoxicBurdenMeasuresResults(self.comp_ca(signal), self.comp_ct(signal), 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) if np.sum(desaturation_valid) != 0: desaturation_features.POD = np.nansum(desaturation_length_all[desaturation_valid]) / len(signal) desaturation_features.AODmax = np.nansum(desaturation_int_max_all[desaturation_valid]) / len(signal) desaturation_features.AOD100 = np.nansum(desaturation_int_100_all[desaturation_valid]) / len(signal) return desaturation_features
[docs] def comp_ca(self, signal): """ Compute the cumulative area biomarker :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: CA, the cumulative area (float) """ if self.CA_Baseline is None: self.CA_Baseline = np.nanmean(signal) res = 0 for value in signal: if value < self.CA_Baseline: res += self.CA_Baseline - value return res / len(signal)
[docs] def comp_ct(self, signal): """ Compute the cumulative time biomarker :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: CT, the cumulative time (float) """ with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): return 100 * len(signal[signal <= self.CT_Threshold]) / len(signal)