Source code for OBM.Preprocessing

import numpy as np
from scipy import signal

[docs]def set_range(signal, Range_min=50, Range_max=100): """ Range function. Remove values lower than 50 or greater than 100, considered as non-physiological :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: preprocessed signal, 1-d numpy array. """ # return np.delete(signal, np.argwhere((signal >= Range_max) | (signal <= Range_min))) signal = np.array(signal) signal = < Range_min) | (signal > Range_max)), signal).tolist() signal = [x if x is not None else np.nan for x in signal] signal = np.array(signal) return signal
[docs]def resamp_spo2(signal, OriginalFreq): """ Resample the SpO2 signal to 1Hz. Assumption: any missing/abnormal values are represented as 'np.nan' :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :param OriginalFreq: the original frequency. :return: resampled signal, 1-d numpy array, the resampled spo2 time series at 1Hz """ len_in = len(signal) len_out = round(len_in / OriginalFreq) data_out = [] for jj in range(len_out): data_out = np.append(data_out, np.median(signal[jj * OriginalFreq:(jj + 1) * OriginalFreq])) return data_out
[docs]def dlta_filter(signal, Diff=4): """ Apply Delta Filter to the signal. :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :param Diff: parameter of the delta filter. :return: preprocessed signal, 1-d numpy array. """ signal_filtered = [] for i, data in enumerate(signal): if i == 0: signal_filtered.append(data) else: if (((signal_filtered[-1] - data) / signal_filtered[-1]) * 100) < Diff: signal_filtered.append(data) return signal_filtered
[docs]def median_spo2(signal_spo2, FilterLength=9): """ Apply a median filter to the SpO2 signal. Median filter used to smooth the spo2 time series and avoid sporadic increase/decrease of spo2 which could affect the detection of the desaturations. Assumption: any missing/abnormal values are represented as 'np.nan' :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :param FilterLength (Optional): The length of the filter. :return: preprocessed signal, 1-d numpy array. """ data_med = signal.medfilt(np.round(signal_spo2), FilterLength) return data_med
[docs]def block_data(signal, treshold=50): """ Apply a block data filter to the SpO2 signal. :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :param treshold (Optional): treshold parameter for block data filter. :return: preprocessed signal, 1-d numpy array. """ signal = np.array(signal) mask = np.ones(len(signal), dtype=bool) for i, data in enumerate(signal): if data < treshold: mask[i - 10:i + 10] = False for i, data in enumerate(signal): if not mask[i]: signal[i] = None mean_signal = np.mean(signal) mask = np.ones(len(signal), dtype=bool) i = 0 while i + 100 < len(signal): mean_block = np.mean(signal[i:i + 100]) if mean_block < mean_signal * 0.94: mask[i:i + 100] = False i += 100 for i, data in enumerate(signal): if not mask[i]: signal[i] = None return signal