Source code for OBM.PeriodicityMeasures

import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import hamming, welch

from OBM._ErrorHandler import _check_shape_, _check_fragment_PRSA_
from OBM._ResultsClasses import PRSAResults, PSDResults

[docs]class PRSAMeasures: """ Function that calculates PRSA Features from spo2 time series. Suppose that the data has been preprocessed. :param PRSA_Window: Fragment duration of PRSA. K_AC: Number of values to shift when computing autocorrelation """ def __init__(self, PRSA_Window=10, K_AC=2): self.PRSA_Window = PRSA_Window self.K_AC = K_AC
[docs] def compute(self, signal) -> PRSAResults: """ :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: PRSAResults class containing the following features: - PRSAc: PRSA capacity. - PRSAad: PRSA amplitude difference. - PRSAos: PRSA overall slope. - PRSAsb: PRSA slope before the anchor point. - PRSAsa: PRSA slope after the anchor point. - AC: Autocorrelation. """ _check_shape_(signal) d = self.PRSA_Window _check_fragment_PRSA_(d) anchor_points = [] for i in range(len(signal)): if i < d: continue if len(signal) - i < d: continue if signal[i - 1] > signal[i]: anchor_points.append(signal[i - d:i + d]) anchor_points = np.array(anchor_points) windows = np.zeros(2 * d) for i in range(2 * d): windows[i] = np.nansum(anchor_points[:, i]) / len(anchor_points) PRSA_features = PRSAResults((windows[d] + windows[d + 1] - windows[d - 1] - windows[d - 2]) / 4, np.nanmax(windows) - np.nanmin(windows), np.polyfit(range(2 * d), windows, 1)[0], np.polyfit(range(d), windows[0:d], 1)[0], np.polyfit(range(d), windows[d:], 1)[0], np.correlate(windows, windows, "same")[self.K_AC]) return PRSA_features
[docs]class PSDMeasures: """ Function that calculates PSD Features from spo2 time series. Suppose that the data has been preprocessed. """
[docs] def compute(self, signal) -> PSDResults: """ :param signal: The SpO2 signal, of shape (N,) :return: PSDResults class containing the following features: - PSD_total: The amplitude of the spectral signal. - PSD_band: The amplitude of the signal multiplied by a band-pass filter between 0.014 and 0.033 Hz. - PSD_ratio: The ratio between PSD_total and PSD_band. - PDS_peak: The max value of the FFT into the band 0.014-0.033 Hz. """ _check_shape_(signal) signal = np.array(signal) signal = signal[np.logical_not(np.isnan(signal))] freq, signal_fft = self.__get_psd(signal) amplitude_signal = np.sqrt((signal_fft.real ** 2) + (signal_fft.imag ** 2)) # taking only positive frequencies, since the signal is real. freq = freq[0:int(len(freq) / 2)] amplitude_signal = amplitude_signal[0:int(len(amplitude_signal) / 2)] # Taking the spectral signal in the relevant band amplitude_bp = self.__get_bandpass(amplitude_signal, freq, 0.014, 0.033) return PSDResults(np.nansum(amplitude_signal), np.nansum(amplitude_bp), np.nansum(amplitude_bp) / np.nansum(amplitude_signal), np.nanmax(amplitude_bp))
def __get_bandpass(self, signal, freq, lower_f, higher_f): """ Helper function, to get the amplitude within the desired band. :param signal: The amplitude signal, of shape (L,) :param freq: Array of frequencies, of shape (L,) :param lower_f: The lower frequency of the band :param higher_f: The higher frequency of the band :return: The amplitude within the band """ amplitude_bp = signal[lower_f < freq] freq_bp = freq[lower_f < freq] amplitude_bp = amplitude_bp[freq_bp < higher_f] return amplitude_bp def __get_psd(self, signal): """ Helper function, compute the PSD :param signal: The SpO2 signal, of shape (N,) :return: freq: array of frequencies, of shape (L,) signal_fft: The PSD of the signal, of shape (L,) """ # N = len(signal) # w = hamming(N) # signal_fft = np.fft.fft(signal * w) / N # freq = np.fft.fftfreq(signal.shape[-1]) freq, signal_fft = welch(signal, window="hamming") signal_fft = signal_fft / len(signal) return freq, signal_fft