Source code for OBM.DesaturationsMeasures

from OBM._ErrorHandler import _check_shape_
import numpy as np
import warnings

from OBM._ResultsClasses import DesaturationsMeasuresResults

[docs]class DesaturationsMeasures: """ Class that calculates the Desaturation Features from spo2 time series. Suppose that the data has been preprocessed. :param begin: List of indices of beginning of each desaturation event. :param end: List of indices of end of each desaturation event. """ def __init__(self, begin, end): self.begin = begin self.end = end
[docs] def compute(self, signal) -> DesaturationsMeasuresResults: """ :param signal: 1-d array, of shape (N,) where N is the length of the signal :return: DesaturationsMeasuresResults class containing the following features: - DL_u: Mean of desaturation length - DL_sd: Standard deviation of desaturation length - DA100_u: Mean of desaturation area using 100% as baseline. - DA100_sd: Standard deviation of desaturation area using 100% as baseline - DAmax_u: Mean of desaturation area using max value as baseline. - DAmax_sd: Standard deviation of desaturation area using max value as baseline - DD100_u: Mean of depth desaturation from 100%. - DD100_sd: Standard deviation of depth desaturation from 100%. - DDmax_u: Mean of depth desaturation from max value. - DDmax_sd: Standard deviation of depth desaturation from max value. - DS_u: Mean of the desaturation slope. - DS_sd: Standard deviation of the desaturation slope. - TD_u: Mean of time between two consecutive desaturation events. - TD_sd: Standard deviation of time between 2 consecutive desaturation events. """ _check_shape_(signal) warnings.simplefilter('ignore', np.RankWarning) desaturations, desaturation_valid, desaturation_length_all, desaturation_int_100_all, \ desaturation_int_max_all, desaturation_depth_100_all, desaturation_depth_max_all, \ desaturation_slope_all = self.desat_embedding() time_spo2_array = np.array(range(len(signal))) starts = [] for (i, desaturation) in enumerate(desaturations): starts.append(desaturation['Start']) desaturation_idx = (time_spo2_array >= desaturation['Start']) & (time_spo2_array <= desaturation['End']) if np.sum(desaturation_idx) == 0: continue signal = np.array(signal) desaturation_time = time_spo2_array[desaturation_idx] desaturation_spo2 = signal[desaturation_idx] desaturation_min = np.nanmin(desaturation_spo2) desaturation_max = np.nanmax(desaturation_spo2) desaturation_valid[i] = True desaturation_length_all[i] = desaturation['Duration'] desaturation_int_100_all[i] = np.nansum(100 - desaturation_spo2) desaturation_int_max_all[i] = np.nansum(desaturation_max - desaturation_spo2) desaturation_depth_100_all[i] = 100 - desaturation_min desaturation_depth_max_all[i] = desaturation_max - desaturation_min # Only consider points from the first maximum value to the last lowest value of SpO2 desaturation_idx_max = np.where(desaturation_spo2 == desaturation_max)[0][0] # first index of max value desaturation_idx_min = np.where(desaturation_spo2 == desaturation_min)[0][-1] # last index of min value desaturation_idx_max_min = np.arange(desaturation_idx_max, desaturation_idx_min + 1) # Due to mislabeling, the max value may be after the min value, in which case ignore the desaturation. if len(desaturation_idx_max_min) > 0: p = np.polyfit(np.int64(desaturation_time[desaturation_idx_max_min]), desaturation_spo2[desaturation_idx_max_min], 1) desaturation_slope_all[i] = p[0] diff_desats = abs(starts - np.roll(starts, 1)) diff_desats = diff_desats[1:] if np.sum(desaturation_valid) != 0: DL_u = np.nanmean(desaturation_length_all[desaturation_valid]) DL_sd = np.nanstd(desaturation_length_all[desaturation_valid]) DA100_u = np.nanmean(desaturation_int_100_all[desaturation_valid]) DA100_sd = np.nanstd(desaturation_int_100_all[desaturation_valid]) DAmax_u = np.nanmean(desaturation_int_max_all[desaturation_valid]) DAmax_sd = np.nanstd(desaturation_int_max_all[desaturation_valid]) DD100_u = np.nanmean(desaturation_depth_100_all[desaturation_valid]) DD100_sd = np.nanstd(desaturation_depth_100_all[desaturation_valid]) DDmax_u = np.nanmean(desaturation_depth_max_all[desaturation_valid]) DDmax_sd = np.nanstd(desaturation_depth_max_all[desaturation_valid]) DS_u = np.nanmean(desaturation_slope_all[desaturation_valid]) DS_sd = np.nanstd(desaturation_slope_all[desaturation_valid]) TD_u = np.nanmean(diff_desats) TD_sd = np.nanstd(diff_desats) desaturation_features = DesaturationsMeasuresResults(DL_u, DL_sd, DA100_u, DA100_sd, DAmax_u, DAmax_sd, DD100_u, DD100_sd, DDmax_u, DDmax_sd, DS_u, DS_sd, TD_u, TD_sd) else: desaturation_features = DesaturationsMeasuresResults(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if desaturation_features.DS_u is None: desaturation_features.DS_u = 0 if desaturation_features.DS_sd is None: desaturation_features.DS_sd = 0 return desaturation_features
[docs] def desat_embedding(self): """ Help function for the class :return: helper arrays containing the information about desaturation lengths and areas. """ table_desat_aa = self.begin table_desat_cc = self.end if isinstance(table_desat_aa, int): table_desat_aa = [table_desat_aa] if isinstance(table_desat_cc, int): table_desat_cc = [table_desat_cc] desaturations = [] # empty this structure to fill it with the new desaturations for kk in range(0, len(table_desat_aa)): desaturations.append({ 'Start': int(table_desat_aa[kk]), 'Duration': table_desat_cc[kk] - table_desat_aa[kk], 'End': int(table_desat_cc[kk]) }) desaturation_valid = np.full(len(desaturations), False) desaturation_length_all = np.full(len(desaturations), np.nan) desaturation_int_100_all = np.full(len(desaturations), np.nan) desaturation_int_max_all = np.full(len(desaturations), np.nan) desaturation_depth_100_all = np.full(len(desaturations), np.nan) desaturation_depth_max_all = np.full(len(desaturations), np.nan) desaturation_slope_all = np.full(len(desaturations), np.nan) return desaturations, desaturation_valid, desaturation_length_all, desaturation_int_100_all, \ desaturation_int_max_all, desaturation_depth_100_all, desaturation_depth_max_all, desaturation_slope_all